June 14, 2019: McKee, KY to Berea, KY

SHORTEST RIDE OF THE SUMMER. 23 Smiles of pure jubilance. This ride specifically had a little something extra behind it because we all knew it was going to be an easy day, and that we had a pool party to look forward to later in the (which I will get to). I rode with Alexis A. and Sam P. It was a chilly 50 degrees to start the morning and when we started riding it felt as though I was back in early spring, training in Michigan. Somewhat comforting I suppose. Once we got warmed up and shed our under armours, we were over half way done with the ride! Sam and I had some issues with our bikes, but nothing hindering on finishing the ride. The highlight of the ride was stopping at a gas station outside Berea, where there were over 24 flavors of ice cream to pick from, I personally went with espresso cheesecake, which was the right choice.

Once everyone returned from the ride and showered up, we had a town hall meeting to discuss the highs, lows, and issues we as a team had experienced up to that point.

After the work was finished, the fun began! Syd, an alum of the CUS route, and her parents hosted us for dinner and a pool party!!! Before we even got to the house, the van ride over set the tone of the night, singing classics such as The Foundation’s “Build Me Up Buttercup” and Neil Diamond’s timeless jam “Sweet Caroline”. I remember a specific point in time in the van when I was starting out the window looking at the landscape, feeling the breeze as we drove down the country roads, feeling nothing but content. A feeling rarely had, but one that is prevalent with me as I continue this journey across America.


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